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The Tor San Interview…

Tor San has been with us a long while so we thought it high time you all got to know him a little better…

So Tor San, when did you first start training…?

I began martial arts at the age of 7 with Judo, which was one of the big things to do back in the seventies. I’m not sure what attracted me to martial arts back then, or even if it was my decision to start lessons but the fact that my dad was half Chinese meant that I certainly got enough support to continue with Judo through junior grades and into senior grades for about 8 years.

I understand you took a break from training back then due to illness, what got you back in this game…?

Ironically, it was during this time my interest in Martial Arts as a whole began. After a lot of books and researching I began training again. Studying at college, going home for the holidays and doing a work placement for my college course meant that over the next three years I learnt Aikido in three different clubs, did Wu Shu and even attended an intensive weekend ninjitsu course. It wasn’t until college finished and I moved again that I settled down to one style.

What style was that…?

I trained for the next four years in Tai Chi, studying under a great teacher, Gail (Mintoff I think her surname was) in Raising Dragon Style founded in the UK by Richard Farmer. During this time I learnt the Yang Style short form, the long form, sticking hands and was due to start the sword form when the decision to have a complete career change resulted in me moving again to Cheltenham. Training to be a teacher was a very time intensive course with regular placements in schools. All this meant that I didn’t do any serious Martial Arts during this time, however I went to  a Karate sessions run by the college as well as doing a couple of beginner “taster” courses in Wing Chung and Jujitsu.

Sounds like you were able to keep your hand in! But what brought you here…?

After finishing my course I began training seriously again. I didn’t really need to do much research as I’d already been living here for some time. Having done so many “soft/internal” based styles I was looking for something different. I started studying Bushido Karate with a local BAMA instructor and then moved on to grading in the BAMA modern self defence variant of Aikido called Aikido-Te. There were many similarities to the Aikido I’d studied previously, but also many difference. The overall package has kept me studying this for more than 12 years now.

So what grade are you now Sen…?

Well I have trained under some great instructors and currently hold 2nd Dan in Aikido-Te, Brown Belt in Bushido Karate and Blue Belt in the BAMA sword style (Ken Kai Ryu). My first BAMA instructor Richard Trafford, trained me to black belt, and then sent me to Gloucester where I trained in the Advanced Classes before taking classes with the BAMA’s founder Pete Delane.

There you have it folks, there really is more to Tor San than meets the eye…

Any final comments Sen…?

Well, after 38 years of Martial Arts I hope that I’ve learned a thing or two, and if I ever have the good fortune of standing in front of you as an instructor I hope to have a thing or two of interest to teach you.

One comment on “The Tor San Interview…

  1. It is brilliant to hear more of your journey, despite having known you for a number of years. Its also fun to see you have more changes of hairstyle than me!! fi san

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